About Our Pandas

Our PandaTeam consists of highly qualified, and certified, K12 technology professionals! Our goal is to share our knowledge and work together to help Illinois schools become safe & secure. 

APSD145’s technology team has an outstanding record of being “small but mighty, with a strong brand image”. The technology department is branded as PandaTech, with a Panda as the department mascot. This unique branding has allowed technology to be infused into our schools, curriculum, and community. From panda-branded stuffed animals to Panda Summer Camps for students, and even Panda backpacks, the branding has permeated throughout the district to promote learning. We have tested and implemented gamification, competitions, and hands-on labs during our normal school year and camps.

APSD145 technology staff have over 30 years of leadership in cybersecurity education and partnerships throughout the cybersecurity community, business industry, and government agencies. APSD145 has extensive experience in successfully operating grants. In the last six years, we have managed numerous grants that we applied for including the Arizona State University Entrepreneurship & Innovation Verizon Innovative Learning Grant ($5,000), the Global Grid for Learning grant ($100,000 in-kind), two local SSSBO Mini-Grant for STEM initiatives ($2500 each), and the Illinois State Board of Education FY2023 E-Rate State Matching Grant (Award of $193,030 – Total Project $646,900 utilizing E-Rate). Over the last six years, we have also utilized all our allocated federal FCC E-Rate funds during the last cycle period.

Our existing PandaTechTeam is built up of industry professionals who have a passion for cybersecurity, supporting our students, and making an impact in education. Our team is “loud and proud!”. Our PandaTeam currently lives in Pandaland, the home for the panda techs. The office was in-house designed with black and white in mind. It’s a collaborative space for students to receive tech assistance, ask questions, or have lunch with their favorite panda!

Click on a Panda to learn more about them!

Dave TermundeTyler DericksonJoseph StaszewskiTyree Brown