exPANDAbilities has partnered with the Cybersecurity Coalition for Education to bring you certified cybersecurity evaluators to look at your cyber stance in your district. The rubric was created to help school districts evaluate and cultivate their own cybersecurity programs. The Cybersecurity Rubric is based off of NISTs framework and has a K12 spin on it. Read more by visiting the Cybersecurity Rubric website.
As we know, it's hard to have a fresh set of eyes on your networks, especially when you've become tunnel visioned! Our entire PandaTeam are CCRE auditors and will start the conversation about your cybersecurity. The best thing to do is sit down, be honest, and understand where you stand.
What does a CCRE evaluation consist of?
- Asking you and your team questions
- Creating a plan to improve posture
- Create a plan or documentation to share with your BOE or Superintendent (We know some directors need backup, we've got your back!)
- A way to document that you've had outside eyes, especially ones that know K12.
- Keep your team up to date on trends.
- A final report saying what we did, suggest, etc.
What does an audit cost?
- As you know we are here to help each other. To keep costs down, we are only charging $250 for an audit. This is a lower cost than an outside agency and we know K12, they don't!
How many Pandas do the audit?
- Depending on the size of your district, you will receive 1-2 Pandas to conduct the eval over a period of 3-4 weeks.